The Annual Education Summit is October 9th, 2024

This year, we invite you to attend the summit on October 9th at St. Mary’s University - Rochester Campus under the theme ‘Power in Partnership: Our Collective Impact.’ The summit is a free, all-day, community building and professional development event that aims to inspire collaboration, cross-sector partnerships, and new ways of engaging in best practices to improve youth outcomes cradle to career.

Last year, we had a tremendous turnout with over 200 attendees and 40 presenters from our community. We received a plethora of positive feedback from attendees surrounding the collaborative atmosphere, the exciting range of presentations covering topics from early childhood to workforce participation, and the work that Cradle 2 Career has been completing. With the many successes of this year, we anticipate an even larger crowd and another inspiring cohort of presenters.

Power in Partnership: Our Collective Impact

Our work cannot be done in a vacuum, we need community collaboration to ensure the best outcomes for our youth and community. This year’s theme highlights the belief that by joining forces and fostering collaboration across all sectors, we can harness a collective power to drive meaningful change in our education systems. I am excited to convene this year with community members from youth-serving organizations, educators, policy-makers, youth, parents, and more in October. Please mark your calendar and watch our social media for updates and details about registration.

We are still accepting proposals for presentations! If you or someone you know has a topic that embodies community collaboration for student success, data-informed programs, and/or learning best practices, please reach out to me for more information on how to submit a proposal. We are accepting applications until July 8th with final notifications of acceptance on July 31st.

This year has sparked new and exciting developments across our initiative and community. I cannot wait to see the culmination of this year’s successes showcased on October 9th for the third Annual Education Summit. I can’t wait to see you there!


Network Updates | Quarter 2 | 2024


Direct from the Exec. | Quarter 2 | 2024