By uniting around a common vision, identifying barriers to tackle, and taking urgent action collectively, we can support all youth to prosper. 

A smiling woman in a brown hijab sits at a cafeteria table.

The Challenge

Every young person should have abundant opportunities to follow their goals and thrive. Yet, too often, success is connected to circumstances instead of capabilities – youth can face barriers in education, workforce, and more that limit their potential. The needs of youth and families can be complex and interconnected, beyond the scope of just one organization working alone.

Our Solution

That’s why Cradle 2 Career believes in the power of COLLECTIVE ACTION – when many organizations coordinate their work with a common goal in mind and measure progress along the way. As Rochester’s collective impact partnership, C2C plays a unique role by changing the way partners from different backgrounds come together and move forward on behalf of young people and their families.

Check out a visual representation of our partnership’s approach.


What we envision: A Rochester where every child…

Enters kindergarten ready to succeed

Succeeds academically in and out of school with community support

Completes some form of post-secondary education or training

Enters and advances in a meaningful career

Contributes positively to the economy and the community, resulting in vibrant, thriving people, families, and community

Our work is grounded in four pillars of collective action

  • Purple light bulb icon

    Shared Community Vision

    All partners have a shared vision for change, as well as a common understanding of the root problems and how we will work collectively to move forward.

  • Blue magnifying glass icon

    Evidence-Based Decision Making

    Our collaborative decisions are based on shared data that’s available by race, ethnicity, gender, and income – so we understand which groups are facing the largest systemic barriers.

  • Purple icon of four interlocking hands

    Collaborative Action

    We come together to devise solutions, with each partner bringing their own strengths, networks, and resources to the table.

  • Green dollar sign icon

    Investment and Sustainability

    We work together to invest time, tools, and funding to solutions-based practices, informed by community voice.

See the four pillars in action.

Our Open Networks