Parent Council | Quarter 2 | 2024

It's hard to believe summer is already here! So many amazing things happened this past school year, and it went by so fast. Even though I haven't been with C2C for a full school year yet, I feel incredibly proud of everything I've learned and what we have accomplished as a team in such a short time.

A huge thank you to our Parent Council members who participated in many events, such as professional development and presenting at our Transitions to Kindergarten Network retreat, and attended our Parent Council monthly meetings. They've been fantastic at sharing their hopes and dreams and barriers that get in the way of realizing them. This was an instrumental grounding tool for our work together, and when shared with our networks, a data set that could be used as decisions were being made. We plan to continue using the Parent Council’s feedback in future work and to make this information accessible to other community families to share their barriers, hopes, and dreams. We will continue to involve families throughout the next school year, adding to this group as we go. The openness, advocacy, and authenticity of our Parent Council is truly appreciated!

Another huge success was our second Annual Student Data Summit! The feedback from the students was fantastic, and we're excited to improve by adding more collaboration time and activities with other high schools. We want to keep raising our youth's voice in our community, and we hope to do so by collaborating more with the youth and their diverse groups and clubs. In the coming school year, we will be growing the event to include a larger variety of students from our schools. I will collaborate with partners to identify and recruit participating students for 2025.

We have a solid foundation of great partnerships, events, and collaborations. For the coming school year, I will continue to build our Parent Council group, attend more civic engagement events, and, of course, continue to collaborate with our youth. I am hopeful for next school year and all the good that will come from it!


We are C2C - Community Highlights | Quarter 2 | 2024


Data Updates | Quarter 2 | 2024