We are C2C - Community Highlights | Quarter 2 | 2024

Alex Higano

Role within C2C:
I collaborate with the C2C High School Graduation Network on various projects.

Professional or organizational affiliation outside of C2C:
Rochester Public Schools, Lead School Counselor

What are your hopes and dreams for the work of C2C?
With Cradle 2 Career, there are so many amazing people who have various pieces of the puzzle, and my hope for our work together is that we bring the pieces into alignment.

What have you learned from your time with C2C?
I have learned that community and collaboration are powerful amplifiers of our individual work.


Nicole Andrews

Role within C2C:
Community Partner

Professional or organizational affiliation outside of C2C:
Arch to Philanthropy (Grant Program Manager)

What are your hopes and dreams for the work of C2C?
My hopes in dreams for the work of Cradle 2 Career is that they continue to center the voices, stories, experiences, and needs of the community they serve in an equitable and inclusive manner. My hopes and dreams for the youth in our community is that they see themselves reflected in the community in all spaces, and have the space and grace to dream for themselves, and opportunities and access to achieve those dreams. My hopes and dreams for my own future, include continuing to be a lifelong learner and to serve this community through collaborative efforts.

What have you learned from your time with C2C?
I have worked in one way or another with C2C since its initial launch, and I have learned that data matters when the narrative is centered and authentically inclusive.


Sadie Swenson

Role within C2C:
Partnered with C2C to address a community problem.

Professional or organizational affiliation outside of C2C:
Public Health Nurse Manager at Olmsted County Public Health

What are your hopes and dreams for the work of C2C?
I hope Cradle 2 Career will continue to focus on the important work of addressing community concerns that negatively impact the health and wellbeing of infants and children by collaborating with those who live in our community.

What have you learned from your time with C2C?
I've learned the people who work for C2C deeply care about their work and the people they do their work for. They are compassionate, curious, and humble.


C2C Invited to Apply for Systems Change Designation


Parent Council | Quarter 2 | 2024