The Cradle 2 Career Partnership - Staff
The Cradle 2 Career staff is the hub, providing stability to all of the spokes and ensuring that all parts of the wheel operate together as a strong, cohesive unit.
The Cradle 2 Career staff provides and sustains the infrastructure of the initiative. They play a proactive role supporting those doing the data-driven, "on-the-ground" work focused on children and young adults and ensuring that all partners across all sectors are supported, connected, and respected for their contributions.
The staff ensure that leaders at all levels keep the purpose, goals, and outcomes front and center when making major decisions. Staff is responsible for transparent communications, the collection and reporting of data, and promoting shared accountability and ownership across the partnership and community.
The Cradle 2 Career Partnership
Each spoke represents a different partner. Each is a critical part of ensuring the wheel is stable, strong, and effective.
The Cradle 2 Career Partnership - Networks
Networks are where staff from partner organizations gather to focus on the specific outcomes of the initiative. Network members work together to interpret and aggregate student-level data to inform organizational and network-wide changes in practice. Networks discover bright spots, align community efforts, and drive expansion of what works. Networks are supported by Cradle 2 Career staff.
The Partnership has initially focused on two Networks: Kindergarten Readiness and High School Graduation.
The Cradle 2 Career Partnership - Leadership Table
The Leadership Table is a formalized group of executive-level leaders of organizations throughout the community. This group is charged with setting the overall strategy, committing resources to see that the right work gets done, and breaking down political or organizational barriers that prevent the system from working effectively.
The Leadership Table gives direction to staff through the Executive Director. Overall, the Table keeps focus on the purpose, outcomes, and goals, and outcomes of the Cradle 2 Career Partnership ensuring that children, students and young adults are at the center of all strategies, investments, and decisions.
The Cradle 2 Career Partnership - Parent Council
The Parent Council is comprised of adult family of Rochester youth, and members serve in an advisory role. The Parent Council identifies barriers Rochester children face and advises Cradle 2 Career staff and Network leads on the feasibility of implementing proposed strategies.
The Cradle 2 Career Partnership - Data & Research
The Data & Research Sub-Committee helps to identify, monitor, and evaluate community indicators to determine community priorities. They serve in an advisory role, including the collection, publishing, and disaggregation of population-level data. The sub-committee advocates for data quality.